Latest Posts

  1. Logbook, week 9 (2019-06)

    Check out what's happened since our last post!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  2. Logbook, week 8 (2019-05)

    Earlier this week, I released Funkwhale 0.18.1. This is a small bugfix release, following the big 0.18 release from two weeks ago.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  3. Logbook, week 7 (2019-04)

    This week development time was focused on the 0.18 "Naomi" release, and I'm glad to announce it's out and available!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  4. Logbook, week 6 (2019-03)

    Check out what's happened since our last post!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  5. Logbook, week 5 (2019-02)

    One big feature landed this week: instance moderation tools.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  6. Logbook, week 4 (2019-01)

    I went back from vacation this wednesday, so there have not been many news regarding the development.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  7. Logbook, week 3 (2018-51)

    Last week, I promised to show you some of the work on moderation tools, but I won't be able to do that today.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  8. Logbook, week 2 (2018-50)

    This week developments have been focused the moderation tools, as last week.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  9. Logbook, week 1 (2018-49)

    Check out what's happened since our last post!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  10. Logbook, week 0 (2018-48)

    Today's a special day. If you remember, it's my very last day of work at PeopleDoc, the company I've been working for over the last 14 months.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement