Funkwhale 1.4.0 release candidate

Hi everyone! 🐳

We're pleased to announce the first release candidate for Funkwhale 1.4.0: 1.4.0-rc2. As with our previous minor releases, we're going to put out release candidates to make sure we can iron out bugs and translation issues before we put out the full release.

If you're interested in looking through the new features, check out our feature highlight post.

New nginx templates

As part of this release, we've updated our Nginx templates. Make sure that you pull the new templates to test out these changes.

Call for translations

This upgrade includes a few new strings relating to new features and settings. As such, we'll be relying on members of the community to update our translations. If you're willing to help out, please head over to our translation platform.

We appreciate any time you can give to localizing Funkwhale into your language 🐋

Let us know what you think!

The release candidate is an important opportunity for us to fix bugs before we release Funkwhale 1.4.0. If you have issues upgrading, find bugs in the software, or notice some regressions, we'd love to know!

You can post in our forum or let us know on Mattermost.

Happy upgrade everyone! 🐳

By @Sporiff in Release