Funkwhale 1.3.2 release

Hi everyone! 🐳

It's time for another patch release! This one features a couple of bugfixes, dependency updates, and quality of life improvements, so make sure to update!


Funkwhale 1.3.2 contains the following changes:

  • Pagination links in channel pages now work as expected (#2205)
  • Channel items no longer display HTML tags in their descriptions (#2206)
  • Funkwhale no longer queries itself when polling for active servers (#2199)
  • The player queue fully clears rather than leaving the existing element count when random or shuffled (#2192)
  • Password reset links now work correctly (#2209)

This release also includes some behind the scenes fixes:

  • Broken links in the documentation have been updated and resolved (#2189)
  • The multiarch Docker builds have been updated so that ARM builds no longer fail (#2211)
  • The development Docker configuration has been updated to address various issues (#2196)

That's all for now! Happy upgrade 🐋

By @Sporiff in Release