Category: Announcement

  1. Logbook, week 5 (2019-02)

    One big feature landed this week: instance moderation tools.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  2. Logbook, week 4 (2019-01)

    I went back from vacation this wednesday, so there have not been many news regarding the development.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  3. Logbook, week 3 (2018-51)

    Last week, I promised to show you some of the work on moderation tools, but I won't be able to do that today.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  4. Logbook, week 2 (2018-50)

    This week developments have been focused the moderation tools, as last week.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  5. Logbook, week 1 (2018-49)

    Check out what's happened since our last post!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  6. Logbook, week 0 (2018-48)

    Today's a special day. If you remember, it's my very last day of work at PeopleDoc, the company I've been working for over the last 14 months.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  7. Announcing Funkwhale Sync #1, let's build Funkwhale together!

    We've decided to experiment with the idea of a Funkwhale sync meeting starting in November. The good news is that you can be a part of it!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  8. Funkwhale Sync #1 : construisons Funkwhale ensemble

    Nous avons décidé d'expérimenter l'idée d'une réunion de synchronisation Funkwhale à partir de novembre. Bonne nouvelle, vous pouvez vous joindre à nous!

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  9. Anti-harrasment tools

    There is an ongoing discussion on Peertube about adding an option do disable the auto-approval of follows from other servers, as a preventive measure to avoid being harassed. As Funkwhale's maintainer, I feel like I have to take a stance in this discussion, because we will have the same ones for Funkwhale.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement

  10. Funkwhale 0.17 is almost ready!

    Today, I'm pleased to announce that the 0.17 release is almost ready. Before going further, I'd like to test this on existing instances, to catch hidden bug before they are included in the release.

    @Funkwhale in Announcement